
Automobile of German Embassy in Yemen didn't stand a strafing attack.

According to the data of secret report exclusively provided to "Bild": "The armor of the vehicles of the German Embassy Abroad is not good enough - it didn't stand the gunfire."

The report is based on the summing up of the incident which happened on 28 of April 2014 in the capital of Yemen - Sana'a. Thus, in the diplomatic quarter of Yemen capital - armored vehicle of German Embassy was attacked by fire by two people on jeeps. The incident happened almost in 700 m airline distance from German Embassy.

According to the data of "Bild“, there were two accredited as diplomats agents of the Federal Intelligence Service (FIS) in the vehicle. Particularly, the so called FIS-resident - the official representative of FIS in Yemen - and also another agent of the federal foreign secret service.

Some projectiles pierced an armor

The records of the secret report shows that vehicles of German Embassy are not good enough protected.

In the report it is stated that: "Registered around 17 projectile hits from the front passenger side. In some places the projectiles pierced the armor, and one of the diplomats was slightly injured ".

According to the "Bild" - FIS did not provide with any information concerning state of health and location of the both agents of FIS.

Also "Bild" was provided with information that it was an unsuccessful attempt of kidnapping of an federal embassy member. However, was it an attempt of kidnapping of the resident of the FIS and his colleague or not, stays not clear.

In Yemen the kidnapping of the western people is widespread enough. Thus, in October 2013 during an attempt of kidnapping a security agent of the Embassy in Sanaa has been killed.

According to the magazine Bild.